Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Monday, January 21, 2008


What do you dream of? We were asked that question this morning at a staff meeting. We had a teacher workday and it was interesting to bring this topic up (but not really, because the moderator then showed us Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech). So, we were asked to think about our passions, and what gets us fired up. I thought I'd share a few of mine here. They are:
  1. To teach my own personal kids about God and for them to grow up to be faithful to God.
  2. To play my flute more professionally (this is a big dream that I've had for a long time, and I keep trying to stuff it under a pillow).
  3. I'd love to breed dogs (Yorkshire Terriers). I love animals- especially this breed.
  4. I dream of getting a chance to spend a little more time at home- less stressed by work.
  5. For my home and classroom to be a place of love and respect.

Well, those were the goals that I wrote this morning. I think my list should be called: My A.D.D. dream list. My goals and dreams are all over the place. But seriously, this meeting has gotten me thinking about not giving up on some of the things that I love so much. Life is too short, and I need to take small steps to try and achieve these dreams. I'm not sure where God is leading, but I know that I have been getting the message all too clearly about spending time with my children and about less stress. I have to go for now!


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