Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The trip

Well, it was nice to get away. I will give a brief synopsis of our happenings this wonderful and restful Spring Break week (can you tell that I haven't missed work:-) Sunday, we went to church and afterwards came home and loaded the car up and headed to Florence, SC (our family lives there). We had a late lunch/early supper at my mom's house. Then, we went to visit with my mother-in-law. After that, we headed to Myrtle Beach. We got there around 9p.m.- we were all pooped that night and went to bed fairly early. The weather was very chilly for most of the week, but by Wednesday and Thursday it was a little warmer. We went to Broadway at the Beach on Monday and shopped a little and then ate at Hard Rock Cafe (it was a long wait, but the food was good). On Tuesday, we went to one of those arcade places off of the beach, and the kids had a great time winning tickets. Josh hit the jackpot on one game and got 450 tickets at one time- I couldn't believe it. Tuesday night, we were able to hook up with my cousin, Nicole and her family for dinner. Nicole (if you are reading this) we enjoyed seeing you guys and catching up with you. Wish we could get together more often. After that, we stopped by the mall. Amber has started to learn to love to shop (this is what she wanted to do all week). Jim and Josh went deep sea fishing on Wednesday (the trip got cancelled on Tuesday because of cold weather). They went on an 11 hour trip- which left us without a car for the day. Neither one got sea sick and Josh caught 2 fish. I may try to add a picture, but last time I tried my computer froze on me. Amber and I went to the beach that day and hung out with the dog at the motel. I tried to talk her into going shopping at a teacher store close to the motel, but she wasn't interested:-) Thursday, we packed up and headed out to the beach for about an hour and then we headed back. Jim took the kids to the Wacatee Zoo as we were leaving. I wasn't feeling well that day (allergies/sinus) so I stayed in the car. They said it was a good zoo. Anyway, it was nice to get away, but I am glad to be back in my own bed again.

This is a long post, but I'm wrapping it up. We had a neighborhood garage sale today. It went very well. We are saving up for a Wii, and we almost have enough now.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break- Praise God!

It couldn't have come at a better time:-) I was so ready to have a little break from school (the kids were just as ready). This week, I enjoyed doing the Resurrection eggs with my school kids. We talked about the 12 eggs and what they represented in Jesus' death and resurrection. Then, they made their own booklets. It was nice to be able to take the time to do this with them. All the stories that I shared this week also pointed to the true meaning of Easter.

Here are our plans for the break: We will go to church at Elevation. Then, we will get ready to leave and stop by my mom's house and my mother in law's house (in Florence, SC). After that, we will head to Myrtle Beach and stay until Thursday. The weather is probably going to be cold, but at least I will be able to relax. Jim and Josh plan to go deep sea fishing on Tuesday and maybe Wednesday.

I'm just thankful for the time off.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


My friend Stephanie "tagged" me to write 7 random things about myself.
  1. I can't stand for toilet paper to be put on the roll thingy the wrong way. The toilet paper should go over the top.
  2. Like Stephanie, I have a fear of fires. I had a burning accident as a child that left me with 2nd and 3rd degree burns, so that has kind of freaked me out a little. Because of this fear, I have never cooked with oil (I don't know why I'm so afraid of that). We had a fire across the street in December (that a child started) and I flipped out and lost it (I was not very kind to those children).
  3. I don't like to make phone calls to businesses. I sometimes feel intimidated.
  4. When I used to bake chocolate chip cookies a lot, I had to count the exact number of cookies that were made. I know, it's a little O.C.D., but I've learned to let that go and I no longer do that.
  5. I think that I probably have A.D.D.,but have never been diagnosed. I can only focus on one thing at a time. Noises distract me. I was trying to listen to a sermon (at Elevation) one week, and some teenagers kept talking and I totally could not focus as hard as I tried! I even tried to close my ear closest to the teenagers!
  6. I like to read about Celebrity gossip. I don't know why, and I rarely buy those types of magazines, but they do catch my eye at the check-out line.
  7. I am not a morning person at all. In high school, my mom would bring me coffee in bed to help me get up- I was tardy a lot my senior year! Now, my husband, Jim helps me get up out of bed in the mornings. He's great with getting all of our breakfast, lunch and dinner made. All I have to worry about is getting the homework done and getting the kids to various practices. Well, I guess that's it. I can't think of anyone that blogs to tag.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't feel like writing

I am tired today. After having Thursday and Friday as teacher workdays, I got a little spoiled:-) The one thing that I've learned from teaching about myself is that I savor the peace and quiet. I would actually prefer to work at school alone and go to lunch with my fellow co-workers. I told my son this and he quickly informed me that there wouldn't be a need for school without the kids there:-) We only have 3 more days this week before Spring Break and the kids know this and today was a difficult day (not really behavior, but just accomplishing things).

While we had our two days off, I got to enjoy hearing lots of good preaching at an evangelism conference that the church hosts where I teach. It was kind of nice to slow down and really be fed spiritually. I pray that I am changed from this and really focus on teaching my kids at home (and at school) about God. I pray for my light to shine. I also had the wonderful opportunity to play a gig in Monroe for Palm Sunday. Playing the flute is such a passion and desire of mine, and I just feel so thankful to be called to play. As much as I love to play, I did miss my church on Sunday (maybe I can listen to the sermon from the website). I also got a call to play in a wedding in May. I'm just thanking God for all of the opportunities to do what I love to do.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Well, I've been busy and haven't had a chance to post a lot. Not too much going on besides baseball practices, teaching, grading papers, and making sure Josh's homework gets done. Weekdays are so stressful because of the kind of student Josh is and how long it takes him to complete a task. I'm not complaining- he's actually a lot like me in this area. Tonight he surprised me and actually did his homework while I had Amber in the bathtub (without me nagging him constantly):-) I praised him for the initiative that he showed!

Following up with the lupus testing: I have to go back at the end of April for more testing and to see a rheumatoid doctor. Meanwhile, I'm trying to be less stressed and drink more water. So, we'll wait and see. I really think having a week off for Spring Break is just what I need.

Josh had his first game last week with MCA (his school team). He didn't get a lot of playing time because he's just a 6th grader, but he got to bat twice and he hit the ball well (got an RBI) and he played 3rd base and got someone in a pickle and tagged them out. I was so proud of him! He seems to be enjoying ball so far with the school. I guess that is about all the news to share for now. I just realized I have a playing job this weekend (playing my flute) and I've yet to even look at the music. I guess I need to be getting around to that in my spare time:-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Positive test result

I had a physical a couple of weeks ago. I've been very fatigued lately. Also, while still in college, I had a positive test come back for lupus. The doctors have never diagnosed me with lupus though because I haven't had enough of the symptoms.

Well, I got the results back and my lupus test came back twice as positive as it ever has. I am a little concerned about why this would be. I have been advised to follow up with the rheumatoid doctor that I saw 5 years ago for this same thing. I feel overwhelmed about going through this process of more tests and more doctor visits (and to only be given vague answers).

I've had 2 normal pregnancies, which would be highly unlikely if I really did have lupus. I'm very thankful that all of my other tests came back absolutely normal. Lupus can affect your kidneys, liver and other organs, so I am glad that everything else appears to be great.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Heavy stuff

There have been some things that have happened at school the past month that have been draining (mentally, emotionally). I can't really go into detail, but I made a huge mistake (not anything about teaching) and can't get it off my mind. I've gone to the people it affected and apologized. I guess this is something that I can learn from. I really feel bad about what happened. I know that is not specific, so I will just move on.

I have had trouble with my kids at school "stealing" things from others. I have sent children (we're talking 2nd graders here) to the office. They know the difference between right and wrong and that is one thing I'm not going to tolerate:-) This is the first year where it has happened repeatedly all year long. It puzzles me why this group of students are behaving in this manner.

Well, March is already here and only 12 more school days until spring break. That will be a much needed break. Time does seem to be moving quicker the older that I get. I guess this is all for now- I have to get ready to take Josh to ball practice.