Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Thursday, May 29, 2008

K-5 Graduation

This is Josh at the tournament over the weekend. He was pitching- they got 2nd place.
Amber had her Kindergarten graduation tonight. It went well. She looked so grown up. It's hard to believe the school year has come to an end for her. For us, it's next Thursday. I've started going through the awards and coming up with some things to get for the kids. I worked on the computer until midnight last night on comments that I will share about them on awards day. I'm sure these next few days will just be blur.

Josh had a game tonight. We got home about 10:30- both of the kids have their team parties this weekend on top of having tournament games for Josh. I'm tired just thinking about it. I have to finish up grades tomorrow so that I can work on filling in all of the awards over the weekend.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Random Things

I wonder why I don't have anyone make comments on my blogs. I know that they are very ordinary (maybe that's why- they're boring:-) Oh, well. I don't comment a whole lot on other blogs, so maybe it's just not a something that people do a whole lot of.

We had field day today. It was a beautiful day to be outside. I participated in the sack race, jump rope and the favorite "car wash". The sack race was way more difficult than I thought it would be (or I'm getting old). I like to jump rope, but at the end of the day I went through the car wash and got wet with my kids. I think they get a kick out of seeing me wet (not put together)- it was fun, but exhausting.

Josh starts a tournament tonight that will last through Sunday. So, we'll be at the ballfield for most of the weekend. We're down to 6 1/2 days of school left. I've been thinking about what I'd like to do or accomplish this summer. Here are some of my thoughts:
  1. We will go to the beach at some point this summer (I'd like to go to Disney again, but we need to wait another year on that trip).
  2. I would kind of like to take a cake decorating class- I know that's random, but I've kind of wanted to try that before.
  3. I'm sure we will spend plenty of time at our neighborhood pool.
  4. I look forward to sleeping in a little and just piddling around the house.
  5. I'd like to scrapbook once again and maybe even do some of it on the computer (which I hear is becoming very popular).
  6. We need to organize some things in our house (downstairs bedroom, computer room).

I can't wait until summer!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Temper Tantrum

Wow, today I had a child at school that had a temper tantrum. Let's just say that it was one of the worst days that I've had in a while. The child's mom makes up excuses and blames her disobedience on "sickness". I am truly frustrated about this situation though. Just pray for this child and her family.

Anyway, school is winding down. We have 9 1/2 days left- Yahoo! Something great did happen last week. Three of my girls asked how to be saved while we were at recess. So, they got saved on the playground! Other playground happenings: I saw a black widow spider on the playground yesterday (yes, the deadly ones with the red hourglass on their abdomen). That was a little scary. Also, something flew into my eye on the playground yesterday and I had to go to the doctor. The eye doctor got it out. It scratched my cornea and I have eye drops to help it heal.

Pretty eventful week, huh? I can't take too much more excitement:-) Amber graduates from Kindergarten next week. She is growing up on us. She has improved with baseball so much this season, and has done so well in school this year (I was worried because she is a bit of a rebel). I'll try and post pictures of her cap and gown soon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Blog

Josh has a blog now. He has wanted to make a website and I only know how to set up a blog, so I had him try this. His site is: I added this to my list of websites. Just keep in mind, that he is in 6th grade and that English is not his strong suit. He is trying to delete this as I'm writing:-)

Anyway, I think my school kids have lost it. I had one yelling at me in front of the whole class Monday. I sent him to the office. Keep in mind, this is second grade. Again, the lack of respect just truly amazes me these days. The main thing that I'm trying to do this week is just to keep the kids moving around a lot (especially in the afternoons). We had "Wordy Wednesday" today. This is a center type activity that uses their spelling words in 4 different stations.

O.K. Josh just informed me that nobody cares about this school stuff, so I will be finishing up now. He's making me a little self conscious.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It works!

Wow, I finally tried to post a picture after getting a new computer and it actually works! This is a picture of Josh's tournament last weekend. They won first place out of the 6 teams (it's a challenge league). Anyway, Josh is on the top row, all the way on the right (standing in front of the coach).
We have a teacher workday tomorrow and I will be able to get some work done in my room. We only have 18 days of school left. We've officially hit the "busy" time of year. The kids are ready for summer (and the parents). We are still adjusting to Jim's new hours, but are able to see him a lot more than we were. Hopefully, we will have a restful weekend and be able to get some cleaning done.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend happenings

Well, thought I'd post an update about our weekend. I had a wedding to play in this afternoon and have had an uneasy feeling (of dread) for a couple of weeks now regarding this wedding. I couldn't really put my finger on why I had that feeling until late last night. I started getting all my music organized and together when I discovered that I did not have the piano part to the Canon in D. I always play this particular arrangement w/ organ or piano. It's especially written just for flute and piano, so I searched the house for about 2 hours last night to no avail. I went to sleep crying because I was so stressed out. I could have played another arrangement, but this is the one that I really wanted to do. Anyway, I got a music store number and called them when they opened and they happened to have one copy (thany you God), and Jim went and picked it up for me:-) The wedding went great (all of about 15 minutes) and the music turned out to be just fine (I sightread through a couple of the songs for the first time). Other than that, Josh has had 3 ball games this weekend and my 2nd graders go on their field trip to Morrow Mtn. tomorrow. We will take a 5 mile hike- um, I'm already sore from exercising this past week- I guess I'll really be sore the next few days!