Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Thursday, June 12, 2008

First day of summer for me...

It was nice to sleep in a little today. I cleaned the kitchen, washed clothes, and folded clothes. I also took Amber to the library tonight. It's amazing how much you can get done when you feel rested and when you're at home to do it! I am always so overwhelmed during the school year and can barely stay afloat with all of the requirements at school and then family "stuff"- like for us it was baseball for both kids. Jim has cooked and cleaned and maintained the house all year because I can't. My desire and prayer is that I will be able to spend a little more time at home sometime in the near future.

Unfortunately, even though I am finished with school, they (the school) gave us some work to do over the summer. We are rewriting our goals and objectives for each subject area (since we are a private school, we have to do this ourselves). So, I have Science, Social Studies, and math to do. I finished science, but am a little stuck on social studies (not really my strength in teaching, but I do see weakness that I would like to enhance). So, I will be typing away at my computer for a while on this. Well, that's about it for now...


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