I always knew that I've never been able to sell things. I've tried various things in the past (as a stay at home mommy), but it never quite worked out. So, I am quickly reminded about how inept I am as a salesperson when we have to fundraise for this baseball trip next week. Boy, am I out of my comfort zone. All of those feelings of insecurity come back up. I *hate* asking people to contribute money (maybe because of hearing the word no). I just never have liked asking people to buy things or to give (even if it's for a good cause). I have managed to raise a little money (thanks to e-mail). Somehow, I feel more comfortable composing a letter to send out than talking to friends, neighbors in person. We leave next Tuesday and the boy's first game will be on that Friday. We should be there at least until Sunday (but longer if they keep winning). We have a motel right on the water, so I'm excited about that. It should be a nice trip. I will take pictures and post after we return.
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