Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well, I went for my 2nd level two ultrasound this morning. Normally, you only get one ultrasound, but because the baby's kidneys looked dilated (larger than normal) at 18 weeks, they wanted to recheck the baby. The good news is that the kidneys look fine now, so it's not an issue anymore. Also, they surprised me by offering to try and get some 4D pictures of the baby. I have 4 good pictures of his little face. I think it was amazing to see his actual face. Boy, technology has come a long way since my first pregnancy. It's hard to say if he looks like my other 2 kids (they looked almost identical at birth and as babies). The tech said he is 4.8 lbs. already- so we're looking at probably 8-9 lb. baby again. She said he wasn't "going to be a small baby".

Anyway, I wanted to scan some of the 4D pictures, but I am a complete computer dummy. I tried to stick the picture in my printer and pressed scan and nothing happened. Oh, well. I will try and figure it out and post pictures of this baby soon.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas pictures

We had a good Christmas and now it's time to focus on getting ready for this new baby's arrival. I'm starting to feel slightly stressed because we haven't done anything for this baby yet (no crib or furniture, no name) and only one more week of vacation to get some things done. I did get registered at Target today, but I am dealing with some pretty hormonal emotions lately. One example of this was on Christmas day. We drove to Florence, SC to exchange presents with my family and then my in laws. We have a month old new car and Amber starts to feel car sick about 30 minutes away from my mom's house. I thought we would never make it there. We had to pull over 4 times (this same thing happened at Thanksgiving, but she did throw up in the new car then)! Needless to say, when we got there, I was ready to not ever make another trip again. I'm really not sure what was going on with Amber that night, but she fell asleep without supper or opening any of her gifts at my moms or my mother-in-law's house. Kind of strange-(she never really threw up though). I keep saying every year that we are going to stay home for Christmas (meaning staying at our home in Charlotte). I think next year will be the year with having 3 children! Anyway, here are some pictures of our Christmas (only one of me pregnant at 30 weeks).

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Some Christmas photos

Here are a couple of pictures of Amber. She made her own Gingerbread House (with a little help from mom and dad). On the left, she is trying to hug the Christmas tree- she loves everything about Christmas (especially the decorating). I will try and take some of the outside of the house to post soon.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time flies

Wow, it's hard to believe we only have 2 more school days until Christmas break. That is exciting. It's been very busy at school with lots of music rehearsal in preparation for the big musical tomorrow night. I'm ready for 2 weeks off from school. So far, I have been able to hold on to all my "sick days" at school. I'm trying to save them up for my maternity leave. So, I've missed 0 days of school and I am so ready for a little break.

This is what we need to do with this time off: finish Christmas shopping (I know we're getting close to the wire, but that's usually how it is), pick out baby furniture (we haven't bought anything for this baby due in 10 weeks, except for a bassinet). Those are the main things. I also have several doctor appts. coming up including another ultrasound with a specialist to check the baby's kidneys. My ob thinks that the issue will have resolved itself and that everything will look great. I am also concerned about this baby's size so I am hoping to get some answers at this appt. on Dec. 30th.

I went to the chiropractor for the first time ever yesterday. I have been experiencing pretty bad pelvic pain for the past 8 weeks or so. Well, now my muscles are sore. They are thinking tha I will be able to feel some relief if I go for 4-6 sessions. I hope so- I don't know if I can deal with this for 10 more weeks. The doctor did tell me a lot of my muscles were "adhered" together (he called it adhesion). O.K. I'm not sure why that happens?? Well, if I don't post back in time for Christmas: "Merry Christmas"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not a good blogger lately

I guess I just have too much going on to write these days. I'm consumed with school, and then after I get home, I'm so exhausted that I just don't make time to write anymore. I haven't had a lot to say either.

We had a good Thanksgiving- we ended up going to South Carolina for one day and got to see family and even got in a little black Friday shopping. We got a new car right before Thanksgiving. I'm excited about that because it has a little more space for our growing family.

I am 28 weeks pregnant, but I feel like about 38 weeks! I am in some pain (still), and it is a little depressing. Also, the swelling is starting to get really bad! Yikes, this pregnancy is doing me in. I haven't missed any school days yet (I wanted to save them all for my maternity leave). I'm not sure if that's going to work out or not... I do only have 10 more teaching days left in December- praise God! I am looking forward to 2 weeks off. We have lots that we need to get done during that time (pick out baby furniture and other necessities). Well, I guess that's about all that's going on for now- we still have to decorate the outside of our house- maybe I'll get around to posting pictures whenever that is done.