Rough Week
Back to school... Need I say anymore. Well, I was not ready to go back, but I felt like I was handling it o.k. emotionally (I didn't cry). That is, I didn't cry until Monday night. Monday was rough. I've had a lot more pain with this pregnancy and while on break I felt pretty good. I thought my symptoms were better (with the help of a chiropractor). Boy, was I wrong. Every step I take, I feel pain. I know this is TMI, but I feel like I've been kicked in the groin area. So, Monday night when I got home, I cried because I can't imagine dealing with this for 7 more weeks! I've already been dealing with it since about 22 weeks though. I'm so over this pregnancy. I know that sounds awful and I am thankful to be able to have another baby (and a healthy pregnancy), but the pain is limiting me and that gets depressing at times. I was always a walker and now I can't even hardly walk. I will just be glad when the pain is gone. I may try one more visit to the chiropractor, but I've pretty much lost hope in that helping.
I think they have found my replacement while I am out on maternity leave. I'm slightly anxious about leaving (losing control of my class, and my stuff), but I guess I just need to learn to let it go. Well, I guess that's all for now.
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