Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Monday, April 19, 2010


I know that I've kind of forgotten about this blog, but I was thinking about writing again. I'm not sure that I even have the time to be consistent with this blog again, but here goes. Well, since I last wrote (back in August!), my sister has gotten pregnant. I know they are super excited (I am too). She is going to have a baby girl in July. I got to see her a couple of weeks ago (finally showing) and she looked so cute. I always think that other women look cute pregnant, but hated how I looked pregnant. Other people always told me I looked great pregnant, but I was always so self concious about carrying the extra weight! I'm SO glad I'm not pregnant and don't have to go through tat again- three times is ENOUGH!

Anyway, we had a great trip to Disney. I was so proud of the baby for this car trip. He did a great job both ways. His sleep schedule got way off while we were there, but we seem to be right back on track now.

Andrew is 14 mos. old today- hard to believe. Here are some of the things he's doing (besides getting into everything): he waves bye- bye, he does the sign for "all done", he says light (dah) and ball (they almost sound the same). He is trying to do the sign for more (he claps instead of touching finger tips). He gives GREAT bear hugs:-) They are the best! He loves being outside and is such an easy going baby. I kind of forgot how much I love babies- I really could just eat him up. Here he is with his birthday present. I don't know why the picture is at the top of the page- this is what frustrates me about adding pictures to a post- they don't go where I want them to go! Anyway, maybe I'll post a few more disney pictures next time I write and write about our favorite rides at disney.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Still here- Disney Trip

April 2010- Spring Break
We had a great time at Disney. The baby is now almost 14 months old. I have been so busy teaching that I have kind of forgotten to blog lately. This school year has been challenging with three kids, but we have just 6 weeks left to go. I really needed Spring break:-)