Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Monday, October 6, 2008

Update... It's a...

BOY"! I know that it has been a while. Life has been busy. I will be 20 weeks pregnant this week. The ultrasound went fine- they want me to go back at 32 weeks and take another look at the kidneys.

School has been good- the kids are great for the most part. Little things are starting to "bug" me though, but I think that is normal pregnancy behavior:-) I'm spending a *lot* of time on lesson plans because we have a new computer system.

I cry at the least little thing these days. My life isn't so bad, but I guess when you're pregnant everything is blown out of proportion. This will be one thing that I don't miss about pregnancy (actually this will be one of many things that I don't miss about being pregnant). Can you tell I don't really enjoy being big??

Sorry to be negative- I am thankful for this baby, but I'm also super, super self conscious right now- I guess I need to just get over it:-)


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