Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What My Newborn Has Taught Me

Andrew is already a month old. It's funny how fast time goes by after the baby comes, but while you're pregnant, time seems to stand still:-) I thought I would write about some things this little one has taught me over the past month.
First: I never knew how to swaddle a baby. My other 2 didn't seem to care to be swaddled, but Andrew really seems to love it (even now). To go to sleep, he must be swaddled.
Second: I need 8 hours of sleep to function- I know, I love to sleep and I guess I'm a wee bit older and can't handle lack of sleep like I did with the other 2 kids.
Third: I think that I'm a little more relaxed with this baby (maybe age and being the 3rd child).
Fourth: I forgot how to change a boy's diaper and getting squirted on has been an adventure:-)
Fifth: I've been reminded of how long it takes to get out of the door with a newborn! Even getting a shower some days has taken quite a bit of time.
Sixth: This baby has made me reflect a lot on the older 2. I find myself thinking about how they were as babies and remembering things that I probably would've forgotten had it not been for his baby. I find myself especially thinking about Josh (my 12 year old). I don't know if this is because both are boys or because Andrew favors Josh, but it has been nice and scary to reflect back. I say scary because I wonder "Where did all the time go"??
Lastly, I think this has taught me to enjoy my kids more because time flies...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Few Favorites

Just wanted to take a few minutes to share some of my favorites.
Favorite Websites: (I know my husband will think this is a complete waste of time, but I have been able to stay in touch with some of my friends from high school and college through this site). (I use this site almost daily. I think this site helped me get through my pregnancy- there is lots of useful information as well as items for sale, etc.) (lots of coupons and money saving ideas on this website. This lady was featured on the Dr. Phil show about a week ago and since I am on maternity leave, I happened to hear some of her ideas- you should check her site out).

Favorite TV channel/shows: I am SO hooked to Discovery Health channel. I am not even sure why, but my son and I like to watch all of the medical shows (shows about autopsies, overweight people, and medical mysteries). I watched during my entire pregnancy and have continued. Other favorites include: American Idol, 24 and Lost (I keep saying that I'm going to stop watching Lost because I get frustrated with this show).

Favorite Food: I love chocolate (and have been splurging a little more since giving birth- something about nursing that I love is that I'm still able to lose weight while I indulge). I also love salads, fruit, italian, mexican, and a good steak.

Favorite Restaurant: Outback, Panera Bread (yummy soups and chicken salad sandwiches)
Favorite Season: Spring or Fall (I love all the color of spring and the weather getting warm again).

Favorite Sport: I'm not an athlete, but have enjoyed watching my oldest son play baseball.
That's all for now!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pictures of Baby Andrew

The baby's first sponge bath- he didn't like the cold!

Amber holding Andrew
Josh holding the baby