Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What My Newborn Has Taught Me

Andrew is already a month old. It's funny how fast time goes by after the baby comes, but while you're pregnant, time seems to stand still:-) I thought I would write about some things this little one has taught me over the past month.
First: I never knew how to swaddle a baby. My other 2 didn't seem to care to be swaddled, but Andrew really seems to love it (even now). To go to sleep, he must be swaddled.
Second: I need 8 hours of sleep to function- I know, I love to sleep and I guess I'm a wee bit older and can't handle lack of sleep like I did with the other 2 kids.
Third: I think that I'm a little more relaxed with this baby (maybe age and being the 3rd child).
Fourth: I forgot how to change a boy's diaper and getting squirted on has been an adventure:-)
Fifth: I've been reminded of how long it takes to get out of the door with a newborn! Even getting a shower some days has taken quite a bit of time.
Sixth: This baby has made me reflect a lot on the older 2. I find myself thinking about how they were as babies and remembering things that I probably would've forgotten had it not been for his baby. I find myself especially thinking about Josh (my 12 year old). I don't know if this is because both are boys or because Andrew favors Josh, but it has been nice and scary to reflect back. I say scary because I wonder "Where did all the time go"??
Lastly, I think this has taught me to enjoy my kids more because time flies...


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