Answered prayer
I have been praying for a friend of mine that is pregnant. She had an appt. today and got back a good report- praise! I just continue to pray for this baby to be safe and continue to grow! I'm so excited for them!
Wow, I have a parent that is also expecting. It seems to be kind of going around these days. At least I won't be the only "big momma" around:-) I am starting to feel very self concious about the way I look. This is why I don't do the whole pregnancy thing well. I have lost my weight right away both times, but it is just hard to not be in control of my weight right now. Speaking of weight, I've probably gained 4 lbs. in one week. I don't even know for sure. I am trying not to be too obsessive like the other 2 pregnancies (and get on the scale every single day). I do tend to gain a lot at this point in my pregnancy. Not sure why because the baby is not growing all that much.
I'm still feeling pretty good other than fatigue. Jim and I have been walking 3-4 times a week, so I'm hoping this helps control the weight gain a little. We were able to go out on a "date night" Saturday night- thanks to our church. The neat thing was, they gave out gift vouchers for all the married couples to go out (the series has been on marriage and intimacy). What a nice way to help couples put this into action, especially during these stressful times with the economy. I'm tired of hearing about the economy- I get depressed when I watch the news! Anyway, I'm hoping that we can continue to make time to go out- at least on a once a month basis.
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