Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Thursday, January 29, 2009


This is my life lately. I'm so emotional about everything these days. We are trying to make some decisions with Josh (our oldest) and it's been a difficult couple of months. I'm not sure why all this drama is happening while I am pregnant, but I never would have expected this just a few short months ago. I just keep thinking is things are crazy now, I'm not sure what's going to happen when we add a newborn into the mix.

It's hard to believe that I just have either 3 or 4 weeks left. I'm planning on working up until the end, but I feel like I am slowing down. I'm trying to hang on, but I am so tired. The kids have been good- I think I'm just particularly tired this week from dealing with stress from Josh (school issues and baseball), and from going out of town last weekend. I'm looking forward to this weekend. We have much left to do for this baby and hopefully I can get some rest and get some things done. I guess I will start packing the hospital bag soon... I'll know more on Tuesday when they do another ultrasound to get an idea of the size of this baby. I've been kind of concerned all along- just have this feeling like he is big.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

35 week appt.

I had my ob visit a few days ago and am not sure whether to be excited, scared, or what. My ob wants to do another ultrasound at 37 weeks to check the size of this baby. He was already big at 32 weeks, so we will see what he's at in a couple of weeks. From there, (if the baby is big) I may either be induced at 39 or 40 weeks. This is different from my other two- I went into labor with them at 41 1/2 weeks (for Josh) and 41 weeks with Amber. This baby is feeling big though- no doubt about it.

I had 2 showers this week and my swelling has reached a new level of ugliness. Boy, what pregnancy does to you (especially the third time around). Every symptom has been much more intensified with this pregnancy.

I'm having issues giving up control of my class at school. I know the kids are going to be well taken care of, but I just am feeling a lot of insecurities. I have to let go... In the meantime, there is much to do here before this baby's arrival in 3-4 weeks. The furniture is put together, but we have things to wash, putting the car seat in, and packing for the hospital. I think I will probably do this last minute stuff after my next appt.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow for my birthday!!

Okay! So, I've got my hopes up for a snow day tomorrow and it just happens to be my birthday (and Jims) tomorrow! That would be the best present- not to have to go to school:-) I told my prinicipal today that's what I wanted for my present! I'm not looking forward to turning another year older, but I'm trying not to think about that too much.

I keep forgetting to blog lately- life is busy with school (as usual) and getting ready for this baby in about 5 weeks. We're really not quite ready yet, but I'm not too stressed about it. The good thing is they have an interim teacher and I've met with her a couple of times and I think the kids are really going to enjoy her.

We had a baby shower at the school today and that was fun. We got a lot of gift cards and things that we need for the baby. I have one in SC this weekend- so this will probably be my last trip before he arrives. Something is happening at the school on Friday because I've been asked to be finished teaching at 1:45 and have the kids packed up to go. I'll have to update what this surprise is about...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rough Week

Back to school... Need I say anymore. Well, I was not ready to go back, but I felt like I was handling it o.k. emotionally (I didn't cry). That is, I didn't cry until Monday night. Monday was rough. I've had a lot more pain with this pregnancy and while on break I felt pretty good. I thought my symptoms were better (with the help of a chiropractor). Boy, was I wrong. Every step I take, I feel pain. I know this is TMI, but I feel like I've been kicked in the groin area. So, Monday night when I got home, I cried because I can't imagine dealing with this for 7 more weeks! I've already been dealing with it since about 22 weeks though. I'm so over this pregnancy. I know that sounds awful and I am thankful to be able to have another baby (and a healthy pregnancy), but the pain is limiting me and that gets depressing at times. I was always a walker and now I can't even hardly walk. I will just be glad when the pain is gone. I may try one more visit to the chiropractor, but I've pretty much lost hope in that helping.

I think they have found my replacement while I am out on maternity leave. I'm slightly anxious about leaving (losing control of my class, and my stuff), but I guess I just need to learn to let it go. Well, I guess that's all for now.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ultrasound pics. (finally)

I finally got Jim to figure out how to scan one of the 4D ultrasound pictures of the baby. Here he is: