Baby Andrew is here
I know I am slow, but I finally am finding some time to write. Well, I guess I will write about the birth story (or at least what I remember). I was admitted into the hospital on Wednesday the 18th after work. I wanted to work up until the end, so I wouldn't be waiting around the house for the baby to come. Anyway, they started my cervidil and at that time I was 1 cm dialated and about 40% effaced (not very much progress for 39 weeks). Anyway, I was having contractions about every 4 minutes (not very strong ones though). They gave me a sleeping pill so that I would have a good night sleep, but I heard the monitor (baby's heartbeat all night long) and I had to get up to use the bathroom several times (and I had to unplug the monitor to go to the bathroom)!
They came in at about 6 and took the cervidil out and I got in the shower and got ready. At about 7:15, they started the pitocin. The contractions weren't bad to start with (I could manage). I was 1 1/2 cm dialated after the cervidil came out (I was getting a little worried about my lack of progress). At around 10 am, the contractions started to get uncomfortable and I was having to breathe through them. I couldn't get out of bed so I wasn't coping with the pain as well as I did with my 2nd delivery. I got some nubain for pain because I wasn't at 3 cm and couldn't get an epidural. The nubain made me sleepy in between contractions, but they were still pretty bad. My water finally broke at 11:10 am and from that point on things moved very speedily. First, I have to say that I felt a pop right before my water broke- it was a wierd sensation and I told the nurse. She asked if I felt a trickle and I said "no". Anyway, about a minute later I felt the trickle and then gushes (sorry). At 1:05 I was dialated to 3 and at 1:35 I got my epidural. Life was much better after that kicked in. I dialated to 5 cm at 1:45 and 8 cm at 2:35 and at 3:00 I was already at 10 cm. I had to wait for the doctor to push. I pushed 3 times and Andrew was born at 3:28 pm on 2/19 (2 days before his sister's birthday). He weighed in at 8 lb. 8 oz. (the same as his brother's weight). My other 2 were late, so I would've hated to see what he would've weighed 2 weeks later (probably 9 1/2 lbs). I did tear pretty significantly and I was in a lot of pain in the hospital. I am feeling much better each passing day though. Andrew is such a sweet tempered baby. We feel blessed to have him in our family. Here are a couple of pictures. I will post more later.