Baby Andrew is here
I know I am slow, but I finally am finding some time to write. Well, I guess I will write about the birth story (or at least what I remember). I was admitted into the hospital on Wednesday the 18th after work. I wanted to work up until the end, so I wouldn't be waiting around the house for the baby to come. Anyway, they started my cervidil and at that time I was 1 cm dialated and about 40% effaced (not very much progress for 39 weeks). Anyway, I was having contractions about every 4 minutes (not very strong ones though). They gave me a sleeping pill so that I would have a good night sleep, but I heard the monitor (baby's heartbeat all night long) and I had to get up to use the bathroom several times (and I had to unplug the monitor to go to the bathroom)!
They came in at about 6 and took the cervidil out and I got in the shower and got ready. At about 7:15, they started the pitocin. The contractions weren't bad to start with (I could manage). I was 1 1/2 cm dialated after the cervidil came out (I was getting a little worried about my lack of progress). At around 10 am, the contractions started to get uncomfortable and I was having to breathe through them. I couldn't get out of bed so I wasn't coping with the pain as well as I did with my 2nd delivery. I got some nubain for pain because I wasn't at 3 cm and couldn't get an epidural. The nubain made me sleepy in between contractions, but they were still pretty bad. My water finally broke at 11:10 am and from that point on things moved very speedily. First, I have to say that I felt a pop right before my water broke- it was a wierd sensation and I told the nurse. She asked if I felt a trickle and I said "no". Anyway, about a minute later I felt the trickle and then gushes (sorry). At 1:05 I was dialated to 3 and at 1:35 I got my epidural. Life was much better after that kicked in. I dialated to 5 cm at 1:45 and 8 cm at 2:35 and at 3:00 I was already at 10 cm. I had to wait for the doctor to push. I pushed 3 times and Andrew was born at 3:28 pm on 2/19 (2 days before his sister's birthday). He weighed in at 8 lb. 8 oz. (the same as his brother's weight). My other 2 were late, so I would've hated to see what he would've weighed 2 weeks later (probably 9 1/2 lbs). I did tear pretty significantly and I was in a lot of pain in the hospital. I am feeling much better each passing day though. Andrew is such a sweet tempered baby. We feel blessed to have him in our family. Here are a couple of pictures. I will post more later.
So glad to hear all went well and Andrew came into this world safely. Enjoy this time off. We both know it goes by oh so fast. My baby will be 5 in Sept.:)
I've been thinking about starting my own blog. I just haven't taken the time to actually get to it. I'll let you know if that ever comes to pass so maybe you can see the circus I call my life.
Take care and enjoy these precious moments. I bet Joshua and Amber are over the moon with a new brother. Not to mention Jim!! He looks crazy happy in the picture!
So so sweet... Don't you wish you could bottle that little baby smell? Can't wait to see him in person. Do you think he'll be big like Josh? Tyler was 9lbs 10 oz when he was born and hasn't stopped growing since!
p.s. It's time to update your profile!
Hi, thanks for commenting- I meant to respond about Josh and baseball. We had to not force it on him because he has felt so overwhelmed with school work this year. I know you've heard from Jim about how difficult our year has been and Jim felt it was more beneficial for him to play at MARA for his last year- it broke my heart, but I had to let go of my desires to see him play at both places.
This baby is so sweet and yes, I wish I could bottle that sweet smell and the innocence. He is already a big boy (because he was early). He looks a lot like Josh to me. Hopefully, we'll see you around.
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