Kim's Little Snippets

This blog is about the ups and downs of being a wife, mother, teacher and all of the other roles that women have these days. In memory of my nephew, Barry Rabon- 9/18/92- 11/11/07

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another ultrasound

I have had more ultrasounds with this baby. That is a good thing though. I had my 37 week appt. and they wanted to do another ultrasound because the baby was looking big at my 32 week ultrasound (when they were checking the kidneys). Anyway, he is still looking big- they estimated based on their measurements 7.4-7.9. Well, 2 more weeks and he'll probably be 8.9 (like my other 2 children). If I go to 40 weeks, then he may be 9 lbs.

My ob discussed inducing with us on Tuesday. I guess I'm o.k. with that because of the baby's size and she said there is an above normal amount of amniotic fluid. So, as of right now, I'm supposed to be induced at 39 weeks on Feb. 19th. That is just 2 days before Amber's birthday- but hopefully, I'd be home by her birthday. I'm afraid my body is not going to be ready to deliver at 39 weeks because I didn't deliver my other 2 until at least 41 weeks (41 1/2 weeks with Josh). My ob did say that if things don't look favorable when I go back next week, we could always reschedule for the following week (40 weeks). She doesn't want me to go late though. We are trying to get last minute things done, but I am pretty uncomfortable these days. Since I am still working, when I get home, all I try and do is put my feet up and rest. The swelling in my feet is getting pretty awful. I will try and post another update next week. They will do a non stress test then as well.


At February 16, 2009 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, I have been following you on your blog, just never commenting til now. Congratulations on the new addition and I will remember you on the BIG day. Post picures soon....Please. Tricia

At February 24, 2009 at 4:41 PM , Blogger Kim McCutcheon said...

Hey Tricia,
Leave me your e-mail so that we can stay in touch. Thanks for posting. We are all doing great. It's good to hear from you.


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